This and That

Random bits of my life

Archive for November 5th, 2009

Looking up

Posted by Avital Pinnick on November 5, 2009

Yesterday was a “good cloud” day, something we don’t see very often in the desert.

I took this photo when I stepped out to get some cash from the machine. I used a polarizing filter.

Clouds flying south for the winter

Clouds flying south for the winter

I was a bit late for the sunset photo because my window faces east, not west. One person emailed me about the sunset and another person called me. The caller claims that his view of the sunset was more spectacular than what I captured in my photograph, so I was probably late. Also, it’s hard to capture with a camera what someone else sees. Colour and light are very subjective. With a wide-angle lens, one gets too much of the boring parts of the sky. Using the telephoto zoom, which is what I used for this shot, cuts out a lot of the interesting bits at the edges. What can I say — cameras just aren’t the same as the human eye! Getting a sunset at all in this part of the world is a challenge, unless one lives near the coast and the season is right.



I have another basket-weaving class tonight. At least I should be able to post a shot of my finished basket tomorrow morning.



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